Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Affirmation for getting a car

I deserve to have my own car.

I deserve and now have a (brand) car.

I have a jolly ride in my car.

Affirmation before an interview

I perform well in the interview.

I answer intellligently in the interview.

My intelligence is understood by the interview panel members.

I am placed in th --- company with the salary amount -- .

I am placed in my dream company.

Affirmation for getting a job

I am placed in a right job.

I am working in a right company for me that allows me to grow along with its growth.

I am recognised for my talents.

I am happy with my job.

My job is satisfying for me.

I have full job satisfaction.

Affirmation for career

I love my job.

All my co-workers are friendly with me.

I am rewarded perfectly for my work.

My team members are cooperative.

Everyone in my team are working perfectly.

My sales is growing high day by day.

Affirmations for abundance

I deserve love , success and good abundance. I open myself to receive them now.

I am being filled with divine love.

I am one with God.

All my desires, goals and wishes are satisfied instantaneously as I am one with God.

Everything and everyone forgives me.

I forgive everything and everyone.

Power Affirmations

  • My thoughts are under my control.
  • I radiate love and happiness.
  • I am surrounded by love.
  • I have the perfect job for me.
  • I am living in the house of my dreams.
  • I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.
  • I have a wonderful satisfying job.
  • I have the means to travel abroad whenever I want to.
  • I am successful in whatever I do.
  • Everything is getting better every day.

Positive thinking

A good definition of a positive thought is one that supports you in being and achieving your best - thoughts that increase your self esteem, increase happiness, and support the achievement of your goals, desires, and dreams.

We are constantly judging, interpreting and commenting on the world, ourselves and other people. However, most of us are not aware that much of this inner dialogue is holding us back from reaching our highest potential. Don't fall into the trap of assuming that your automatic thoughts are serving your interests.

Consider the following example.

A woman has started an exercise and diet program. She is enthused and follows the program to the letter. In a few weeks, she begins to see results and is encouraged by her progress. One afternoon, she opens the refrigerator to find a piece of chocolate cake. Immediately and without her being aware, her inner dialogue whispers:

"That cake will taste great. I exercised today and I've earned a reward. I deserve it. Its not that much. "

She eats the cake but even before she is done, her inner dialogue scolds:
"I have no control. I'll have to work much harder now. This fitness stuff is too hard. My diet isn't working. Its not worth continuing. I am doomed to be out of shape."

Her negative thoughts have cost her twice! Her fitness goal was undermined and then her self esteem and confidence were damaged. This is one small example of hundreds and maybe even thousands of times in a single day when we behave in ways that don't align with the goal of a happy, successful life.

In silent, subtle ways we sabotage ourselves and our dreams - we avoid a person or situation, we give it less than our best shot, we give up too early, we assume someone is reacting negatively to us, etc. Its clear that negative thoughts hurt our chances for success. Without consciously implementing positive thinking programming, our results will probably remain unchanged over the years.

The first step in positive affirmation training is developing an awareness of your internal dialogue. When you do, you may be surprised at what you find: I can't do it, I never finish anything, Its too hard. These are just a few examples of common, everyday negative thinking patterns. You will need to exert some effort, especially at first, to identify these negative thoughts as they occur. The trick is to become good at noticing them. Make a commitment today to carry a notebook with you for a few hours and capture as many automatic negative thoughts as you can. Even in this short period of time, you will begin to see some re-occurring patterns.
Once you are aware of your inner dialogue, it's easy to view negative thoughts as a plague that must be eliminated! Actually, these thoughts are a natural function of the mind to protect you from pain such as failure or embarrassment. The goal of affirmation training is not to eliminate your inner dialogue, as if that were even possible! The goal is to manage and improve this automatic dialogue. It’s possible to create habitual positive thoughts that support you instead of defeat you.

How do you do it? The same way your current dialogue got installed - repetition. With enough practice of positive affirmations, your thoughts, feelings and behaviors will support you instead of hindering you. Positive thinking training, like a workout session at a gym, is not a cure but rather a process. Think of it as a healthy habit that you will gladly practice for your entire life. It is not difficult and does not take a lot of time but it does take repetition and consistency.
When do you know you have it? There comes a point in your training when a negative thought arises and it occurs simply as an invitation. You experience it not as a command, but as a choice. You then have the freedom to make the choice that serves your highest good. With affirmation training, positive thoughts occur naturally and you are able to behave in a way that supports you and your goals.

Going back to the example above, lets look at some healthy self talk that would produce a much different result:

"I love feeling and looking fit. That cake doesn't taste as good as being fit feels. I'm proud of my efforts and discipline. I look good now and I intend to look even better in the future. Staying fit is possible for me."

She chooses to not eat the cake. Now she benefits twice - she is proud of her decision and her fitness goal is intact. Now she really does deserve a reward - a healthy one!

The road to thinking positive begins by observing and studying your own inner dialogue and practicing writing, listening, and speaking positive affirmations. You'll be glad you did.

Self affirmation or auto suggestion

  • Healing, positive suggestions you give to yourself to counter your negative thoughts.
  • Vehicles by which you can free yourself from the over-dependence on other's opinions, attitudes, or feelings about you and feel good about yourself.
  • The visualization of a new order and sense in your life, which you can work toward achieving success.
  • You take personal responsibility for your health and happiness.
  • You let go of negative emotions you have been carrying. Only then will you be able to deal with your life in a realistic and positive manner.
  • You take a healthy path in your life so that you can "let go'' of these people who drain your resources and keep you from experiencing full personal health.
  • The resolution of feelings from the past so that you can face the present with a less obstructed view.
  • You give yourself permission to grow, to change, to take risks, to rise up, and to create a better life for yourself.
  • Success prophecies that, when visualized, imagined, or believed in, do come true.
  • The recognition of your rights and affirming your claim on them, giving you an equitable chance of achieving your fullest potential.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Affirmations for Weight Loss

  1. I am the perfect weight for my height.
  2. I choose to take healthy food.
  3. I choose to exercise regularly.
  4. I am looking slim, young and beautiful.
  5. I take healthy food that keeps my body fit.

Affirmations for Joy and Happiness

  1. Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises
  2. I am happy and successful.
  3. I thank this Universe for my happiness.
  4. My life is a joy filled with love, fun and friendship all I need do is stop all criticism, forgive, relax and be open.
  5. I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.

Affirmations for Romance

  1. I have a wonderful partner and we are both happy and at peace
  2. I release any desperation and allow love to find me
  3. I attract only healthy relationships
  4. I deserve and now have happy, healthy and successful relationship with a person who fits me.
  5. I am happy with my life partner

Affirmations for Love

  1. I am being filled with divine love.
  2. Divine love flows through me and heals me.
  3. I know that I deserve Love and accept it now
  4. I give out Love and it is returned to me multiplied
  5. I rejoice in the Love I encounter everyday

Affirmations for Abundance

  1. I prosper wherever I am and I know that I deserve the prosperity.
  2. The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful.
  3. I pay my bills with love as I know abundance flows freely through me.
  4. I deserve love, success and abundance. I open myself to receive them now.
  5. I am abundant and abundance flowed easily through me as I am one with God

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Get your dream job

Have you fed up attending interviews and not landing up on your dream job?

Here is a solution for you to land up in your dream job right now.

Getting your dream job is in your hands.

Tired of hearing your friends placed in a good job, but you are still in the search of the job?

From now on, try try and you will be landing in your dream job.

It is all with simple affirmations and positive self talk.

Just go through the other article for affirmations.

What is positive self talk. It is simple suggestion, what is so called auto suggestion, said by your mind to your mind itself.

What should be done before an interview...

Just write some important affirmations like " I am worth of getting ......(fill it with your dream job)". "I am confident in getting a job"

You can add your own words to the above affirmations. Say these affirmations with in your mind many times. If possible , and to get greater result, say this affirmations and write the affirmations atleast 20 times a day before going to bed.

Before attending the interview, have a visualization of getting the job and shaking hands with the interview panel members.

All the best.

Visit this page for more and more simple steps for getting your dream job.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What is affirmation

What is affirmation?

Affirmation is a set of sentnce formed using simple language in present tense, that is being repeated by a person again and again within his mind or louder.

Affirmations are always formed in the present tense.

Example : I am healthy. I am happy. I am wealthy.

The above examples shows simple sentences which will be easier to remember and repeat many number of times a day.

Use of affirmation:

Saying affirmation within your mind or louder makes yourself believe the sentences formed in the affirmation. Example saying that "I am happy" again and again with emotions , makes you feel really happy without your knowledge. The affirmations can be of any type. It may be regarding your happiness, money , job , life partner or anything that you may like.

But make sure that your affirmation should not affect the other's feelings or independent.

Repeating an affirmation makes you feel and believe that. So repeat it as many times as possible a day. When getting up from your bed in the morning, simpley say that "I am happy. I am doing my work perfectly". This will make you energetic and make you do your work at the best.

Same way while going to bed, keep repeating the affirmations. This will definetly give you a sound sleep and also develop your self esteem.

Happy affirmations.

Keep visitng this page for more information.